
This website is an online offer from MR Sonnhof on the Internet. On this website you will find information about the MR facility and its service areas. We continuously develop the content of this website and strive to provide correct and current information. Unfortunately, we cannot assume any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for those provided by third parties. If you notice problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately. You will find the contact details in the imprint.


The image material (photos, graphics …) is the property of MR Sonnhof or was made available to MR Sonnhof by the respective owners (with the kind permission of Siemens AG) for this purpose (as part of and is protected by copyright in accordance with Section 3 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Copyright Act.

Please note the information in the picture material.


Responsible for content: MR Sonnhof, 2821 Lanzenkirchen, Hauptstrasse 12

Links to external content

You will also find links to other Internet presentations in our page. We do not assume any responsibility and liability for the content shown there and the links to further presentations there, as we cannot influence the content. If you notice any illegal links on our website, please contact us so that we can remove them. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Graphics & web design

Advertising design Filarowski


Despite careful processing without guarantee. Subject to changes and data errors.